7 reasons to reach out for some mental health support during changing times
When the world is changing around you, it’s not unusual to feel concern for no apparent reason, to feel more overwhelmed than usual, or to worry about who will care for you as you get older. This year started with the Australian bushfire crisis followed by a global pandemic. You’re not alone if you or an elderly relative is experiencing more anxiousness than usual.
Now is a time where home care can step up to help you. Your home care coordinator is here for a confidential conversation about extra support. They will make sure your home care package is arranged to provide you the services you need to continue to live at home happily and safely.
If you’re a healthcare worker, it’s important to look after yourself so that you can look after others. Your work in the community is so important right now, so take the time to restore and rejuvenate whenever you can. We’ve included a list of resources further down this page that may help you.
Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Here are seven reasons to reach out for some additional support.
1. You’re feeling more anxious for no apparent reason
Any global or local event that impacts people negatively has a ripple effect and will remind you that life can change in a moment. The Australian bushfires over the summer period followed by COVID have significantly changed the way we all see the world. These events have shown us that we’re humans with vulnerabilities, and this can bring up feelings of anxiousness.
2. You’re concerned about who will look after you as you get older
People feel more at ease and balanced when there is some predictability in their life, when they can rely on their daily and weekly routines. These routines give your lifestyle structure and steadiness, much like an anchor does for a boat. Your carer arrives at the same time, you have coffee with your friends every week at the same place, or you catch up for dinner with the family on a Sunday night. But with unpredictable events, it’s not surprising if you’re feeling more vulnerable and wondering who will help and support you as you get older.
You’re not alone. We’re here to discuss your longer term support plans so please contact your home care coordinator to talk about your future care needs.
3. You feel like no-one understands your needs
Are you feeling unheard or unnoticed? Do you feel like you’re retreating more into your own world because there’s no-one to connect with who will understand you? With current world changes happening related primarily to COVID, it’s natural that unpredictable events will bring up concerns that may not appear rational to you. You may feel overwhelmed and unable to share them, leading to further feelings of isolation.
However odd you may be feeling, and whatever your needs are right now, we’ll ensure your home care services are supporting you to feel safe – emotionally and physically.
4. You’re feeling more overwhelmed
Feeling overwhelmed by the changes happening throughout Adelaide and across the country is not surprising. You might also be feeling frustrated. You may need to talk to someone to find different ways to cope with the change and to develop a different perspective which will help you stay balanced. There may be many “what if?” questions that you have. This is completely normal, and we’re here to help answer any of these questions.
5. You’re feeling lonely or socially disconnected
COVID has restricted social gatherings, family time and general routines that brought satisfaction and enjoyment into people’s lives. This happened fairly quickly. It’s important to remember you’re not alone, and to stay connected to social groups which are available off and online. We can help you with this.
At St Louis we have had to alter our social calendar to meet new requirements for COVID but we are still getting out and about. Have a chat with your home care coordinator about upcoming social events, bus tours and other programs.
6. You’re struggling to sleep through the night
Increased feelings of anxiousness and overwhelm can disrupt your sleep patterns. If your sleeping is affected and you’re not able to get a restful night’s sleep, please talk to us. Sometimes the remedies can be simple changes such as regular massage or physiotherapy to relieve body tension, or light exercise on a daily basis.
7. Your appetite has reduced
Are you feeling less hungry and skipping meals? For many people, a reduction in appetite is a tell-tale sign of increased worry or stress. Being able to express your concerns with someone you trust might be enough for you to releases some of that stress. We can also arrange appointments with your GP or nutritionist to assist with your diet. We’ll help you learn and shop for some new recipes if you want to take your culinary skills up a notch.
Are you in a caring role and needing some extra support?
For people in a caring role, it’s important to keep yourself emotionally and mentally well so that you can continue providing the care you need to others. If people around you are more worried or anxious, this can take its toll on you too. Your work is very important and valued by the greater community.
Remember to look after your own mental health first, and in turn you’ll be able look after others as well.
Resources for healthcare workers
There are several resources online for healthcare workers, we’ve outlined three of these below:
Smiling Mind:is a Mindfulness App with a specific mindfulness program for Australian healthcare workers. It supports healthcare workers with easily accessible information, resources and practical activities designed to maintain good mental health and wellbeing. You can find it here
Beyond Blue have resources for carers supporting older people during the coronavirus pandemic. By guiding those you care for to these resources, you’ll help them to help themselves.
The Black Dog Institute have released TEN – The Essential Network, a free App supporting Health Professionals to manage life and work through COVID-19.
Use your home care package to help and support you during these changing times
Your homecare health plan can be refocused to help you through these changing times. If you feel you need some more mental or emotional support at the moment, we can review your health plan to include the services that will help you. We want you to feel safe and secure at home. Give your home care coordinator a call to discuss your needs. They can be reached at St Louis home care Adelaide on 8332 0950 or St Louis home care Victor Harbor on 8551 1481.